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Things to Know Before Selling your Home

Posted by MyVanuatu on 27/05/2014


It’s been good run, but now you’re ready to sell up and move on. But how? Where do you start? Here are 3 key points to think about before selling:

1. Should I sell NOW?

A lot of things could influence your decision to sell, but knowing your market can help you decide whether now is the right time for you to sell. Remember a dip in the market could mean that you will get less than what you hoped for, for your property. It could also mean that you pay less for the next property that you buy.


2. How much is my property worth?

The easiest way to find out is to get a property valuer out there to have a look at your property. Do some of your own research and find out the average selling price for properties around your neighbourhood. This will give you a general idea of what to expect so that you do not have any unfulfilled expectations.

3. Real Estate Agent or Private Sale?

You’ve made up your mind – you definitely want to sell. The next question is do you use a real estate agent or do you put it up for private sale? If you have the means and the experience to ‘run the show’ as it is, then by all means.

But if you cannot be bothered with the whole rigmarole of selling a property, then a real estate agent will be the way to go for you. There are many pros and cons to both options, but again it will come down to your circumstances.

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